Production of historical glass

I produce window glass for ancient monuments. By means of this glass, the original historical appearance can be returned to the ancienit monuments.

I am the only producer of this glass in the Czech Republic which I produce as a replica of hand-made and historical glass being all ocated for glazing of ancient monuments and historical and modern wood houses. I acquired the certificate "Declarance of Compliance". I was awarded"Silver Medal" and "Special Award of Judges"for this glass by the Czech Academy of Building in the Competition for the Best Product – Technology 2010.

From this historical glass, I produce light and thin insulating double glass for repassed window wings, too. I am the only man in the Czech Republic to work with great UV ultraviolet window glass(Certificate conferred by the Czech Academy of Science). I also produce the most sophisticated decorated glass – Hotel LEGER in Prague. Further, I am the only art glazier to make FrozenGlass (Traceries), SilkGlass and RawGlass. I specialize in all of this, including other possible modifications and arrangements as well as channelglazing.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.

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Photo gallery: Production of historical glass






Petr Švamberg

Družstevní 43
Tábor - Čekanice
390 02
(působím po celé ČR)

+420 608 281 400